Finding Peace During the Holiday Season for Survivors

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Why The Holiday Season Can Pose Challenges for Sexual Assault Survivors

The holiday season can be a difficult time for sexual assault survivors. The memories may be triggered by certain sights, smells, or sounds associated with the holidays. Family gatherings and celebrations can also be reminders of the pain and trauma associated with the assault. Here are some tips on managing triggers and how family and friends can lend you support.

How Sexual Assault Survivors Can Manage Triggers

Dealing with the challenges and stresses of the holiday season can be triggering for survivors. Here are some tips on how they can cope:

Reach Out to a Support Group or Therapist

One way to get support is to join a sexual assault survivors’ support group. In a group, you can share your experiences and feelings with others who understand what you are going through. A therapist specializing in helping sexual assault survivors can offer a one-on-one approach in a confidential setting if you aren’t comfortable sharing your experience in a group. Therapy can help you deal with the pain of your experience and work toward healing.

If you are a sexual assault survivor, know that you are not alone. There are people who care about you and want to help you heal.

Avoid Triggers if Possible

There are many potential triggers during this time, from family gatherings to festive parties. Here are some tips for avoiding triggers:

  • Communicate with your support system. If you have a support system of friends or family members who know your situation, let them know what you need from them during the holiday season. This may include having someone to talk to if you feel overwhelmed or simply knowing they are there for you if you need them.
  • Avoid situations that may trigger memories or flashbacks. If there are certain people or places that you know will trigger memories of your assault, try to avoid them if possible. It’s okay to say no to invitations or plans that don’t feel right for you.
  • Take care of yourself. This is a difficult time of year for many people, so taking care of yourself physically and emotionally is essential. Make sure to get enough rest, eat healthy foods, and avoid alcohol and drugs. These things can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Seek professional help if needed. If you are struggling to cope with your experiences, there is no shame in seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide the tools and support you need to overcome this difficult time.
  • Practice self-care. Do things that make you feel good such as exercising or indulging in your favorite book or hobby. Create new traditions that are meaningful for you. New holiday traditions can bring hope and something to look forward to each year.

Lending Support to Sexual Assault Survivors

There are some things that you can do to support a loved one who is a sexual assault survivor during the holiday season:

  • Be understanding and patient if they seem distant or withdrawn.
  • Listen if they want to talk about their experiences.
  • Respect their boundaries and privacy.
  • Offer practical support, such as help with groceries or childcare.
  • Let them know that you believe them and are there for them.

The holiday season can be a difficult time for sexual assault survivors, but with the support of family and friends, it can also be a time of healing and hope.

How To Get Legal Help After Experiencing Sexual Assault

Speaking with an attorney specializing in sexual assault cases is crucial to discuss your legal options and the best course of action for your particular situation. An attorney can help you understand the laws in your state and guide you through the legal process.

If you have experienced sexual assault, know that you are not alone and help is available. Reach out to our trauma-informed team today to discuss your legal options and get started on the road to healing.

Contact } at (303) 835-9227 to receive a free and confidential consultation with a compassionate legal advocate.

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