How to Handle Triggers When Healing from Sexual Assault

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Healing From Sexual Assault

Healing from sexual assault can be a long and difficult process. One of the most challenging parts is dealing with triggers that can come in many forms, such as social media posts, television shows, and real-life events. Taking steps to limit your exposure and prioritize your self-care can help you better manage and heal from triggers.

Limiting Time on Social Media

It’s easy to get stuck scrolling through social media feeds for hours at a time, especially if we’re already feeling vulnerable or overwhelmed. However, content related to sexual assault or abuse can easily pop up unexpectedly within our feeds, leading to negative reactions and re-traumatization. To limit the chances of this happening, try setting yourself specific time limits when checking your various accounts - set an alarm if needed - and take regular breaks away from all screens.

Avoiding Watching TV Shows with Sexual Assault Content

Television shows often depict sexual violence in graphic detail, sometimes triggering intense emotional responses in survivors - even if they weren’t involved in the scene being shown. Be aware that certain genres, like horror or crime dramas, may involve explicit scenes much more frequently than others. It might be helpful to use a website like Common Sense Media to check for ratings related to sexual violence when choosing what show/film titles you want to watch.

Practice Self-Care Techniques

Self-care is vitally important for anyone healing from sexual assault or abuse, particularly during times of high emotion triggered by unwelcome reminders of the incident(s). Have specific rituals that you rely on whenever needed after exposure to triggering material: going for a walk outside; taking a hot bath; having tea with honey; reading uplifting books; listening to soothing music — whatever works best for you! The aim is to give you space and respite while also helping ground yourself back into the present moment - far removed from any past traumas linked with memories of the assault.

Seek Therapy

Online therapy provides confidential support services tailored specifically to helping survivors of sexual assault work through their challenges and trauma. Talking honestly about your experiences with both friends and family members can certainly be helpful — but seeking professional assistance allows individuals access to therapeutic guidance customized according to their specific needs. You don’t have to go through this alone! Resources exist that are designed specifically for those recovering from traumatic events such as sexual assaults — so if it feels right for you, reach out today for extra support on your road toward recovery!

Contact an Experienced Sexual Assault Lawyer Today

Sexual assault survivors often face an uphill battle when seeking justice in the legal system. But with the help of an experienced sexual assault lawyer, they can take control of their situation and reclaim their power. These attorneys know the ins and outs of the legal process, including how to meet the burden of proof and gather crucial evidence and witness testimony. Armed with this knowledge, survivors can secure the compensation they deserve - and, most importantly, begin to heal. With an experienced sexual assault lawyer by their side, survivors can break the silence and fight for justice.

If you or a loved one need legal assistance after surviving sexual assault, contact Colorado Sex Abuse Law at (303) 835-9227 to receive a free and confidential consultation with a compassionate legal advocate.

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